Young Migrants Empowerment
6 Steps to a Powerful You. Taking you from Feeling Powerless to POWERFUL.
Our goal is to help young refugees & migrants (Age 15-35) go from feeling powerless to powerful through a 12 to 54 weeks coaching relationship journey.
So, we’ve created a coaching program with a framework that responds directly to the challenges young migrants are experiencing everyday.
— Things like, overcoming identity confusion, lack of direction & broken self-image.
The program is birth out of Mantist’s lived experience.
the creator.
Hello, I'm Mantist Oryem
I’m the creator of this program. 2009, I graduated with a diploma in community development.
I was inspired to make a different.
I wanted to learn how I could make a lasting impact in the lives of young people in our community. Particularly in the lives of our young refugees & migrants…something very close to my heart.
Purpose of the program
☑ Clarity of life + business or career blueprint/vision/purpose
☑ Character development (developing identity of a higher performance.)
☑ Helping you become a confidence & transformational leader to your family and community
☑ How to be better at MARKETING Yourself & Services.
☑ Ultimately preparing you in creating a life you love (life of meaning)
Submit Expression of Interest
What best describes you? (Please Choose)
Got any questions? (Browse our FAQs/Answers. Or Submit your unique question/s below.)
Our coaching and mentoring initiative targets three key areas: fostering a success- oriented, Mindset For Success, facilitating career growth, and supporting entrepreneurship.
Geared towards young refugees and migrants’ aged 15-35, our program aims to empower them towards economic independence and integration into the broader community fabric.
By nurturing these aspects, we aspire to break the cycle of dependency and pave the way for self-sufficiency.
We are committed to assisting participants in transcending obstacles and thriving in both personal and professional spheres, irrespective of their heritage.
What impact are you hoping to achieve from the social enterprise? How will you know if you’ve achieved this?
The impact we aspire to achieve through our social enterprise is multifaceted.
Firstly, we aim to instill confidence in young refugees and migrants, addressing the uncertainty they often face regarding themselves and their future.
Secondly, we seek to replace confusion with clarity, providing them with a clear vision and focus.
Lastly, we strive to empower them to develop actionable plans for both their careers and personal lives, fostering tangible progress and growth.
We will gauge our success by assessing the level of confidence and clarity our participants exhibit, as well as their ability to formulate and execute strategic action plans.
Additionally, tracking their advancement in education, employment, and overall well-being will serve as indicators of the impact we’ve made in enabling their success and integration within their communities.
We have 3 options for mentees to choose from.
Option 1: 4 weeks coaching engagement
Option 2: 12 weeks coaching engagement
Option 3: 12 months coaching engagement
Depends on participants goal or committment, we recommend the 12 months program. Please request complimentary calls to dicussed what’s best for you.
Pricing depends on your age. Below is the pricing breakdown:
12-Month Coaching Pricing Breakdown:
(This is a monthly fees each participant pay when they participate in any of our regular 12 months group coaching engagement.)
* Ages 15-19: $200 per month
* Ages 20-24: $250 per month
* Ages 25-35: $300 per month
One-on-One Coaching Pricing:
(This is a monthly fees for a 1 on 1 coaching engagement.)
* Ages 15-19: $250/month
* Ages 20-24: $300/month
* Ages 25-35: $350/month
It simple. Submit your expression of interest through the contact form on the coaching page.
There’s tangible results and intangible results. We believe every action you take either produce tangible or intangible results immediately. So, the question really depends on how you measure results.
That depends where you live. If you live driving distance from the Brisbane area, on a rare occassion, face to face can be arrange. Otherwise, virtual is preferred to save time and cost. Some group training would be held in a particular physical location.
Group Workshops offer a collaborative environment for collective growth, learning, and sharing experiences with like-minded individuals.
Coaching Focus Areas
Coaching on mindset for success
- Clarity of life passion/purpose
- Designing your rich life
- Understanding self
- Creating life blueprint
- Mindset for success
- Everyday resilience
- Developing self-confidence
Coaching on career success
- Career planning & guidance
- Resume & Cover Letter
- Mock interview
- Connecting with employment
- Plus more
Coaching on starting or marketing a business
- Developing business mindset
- Setting up a business
- Marketing and growing a business
- Sales and scaling a business
- Plus More
Group Workshops
- Workshop on Clarity of life passion/purpose
- Workshop on mindset for success
- Workshop on career success
- Workshop on starting or building a business
- Workshop on goal-setting
- Workshop on designing life blueprint
Target : Audience
- Refugees & Migrants
- People from Multicultural backgrounds
- Ethnic and Linguistic background
- International Students
Discover what’s happening in the lives of our young refugees & migrants.
Over the years, I had conversations with 1000s of young refugee & migrants and spoken with many non-for-profit organisations and community leaders about the challenges our young refugee migrants are facing around career and mental health.
Time and time again, these top 3 BIG issues keep coming up in conversations I had with 100s & 100s of young refugees & migrants and their community leaders.
Most young refugee migrants came from such a tormented background that majority of their early life been life of survival. This has cause a deep rooted feeling of unworthiness, lack of self trust and self believe. Most of them basically running on empty…feeling powerless
Most young refugee migrants never stop, take a piece of paper and map out exactly what their short-term, mid-term or long term goals are. Nobody took the time to show them how. So, they end up drifting and moving about aimlessly without any clear direction.
Although the prospect of coming into a new country is an exciting experience, most young refugee migrants feel out of place in their new country. They feel lonely, confuse and misunderstood.
Real Storie
Here are few real life stories of young refugees & migrants and some of the challenges they had to overcome alone.
These mean, our Young People are feeling:
- Alone
- Confuse
- Disconnect
- Vulnerable
- Unsupported
We See Them
- Angry
- Withdrawn
- Join Gang
- Commit Crime
- Cause Bodily Self Harm
- Depressed
- Worst, commit suicide
- ( And These Number are Alarming. )
- Take Interest
- Listen
- Offer Helping Hand
WHY I Created This Program:
Why I Feel So Stronger About this Program
This coaching & mentoring program is my way to response to that cry for help. The program is a byproduct of my own personal journey of overcoming to becoming into a powerful me. Nothing is theory. It’s based on 100% lived experience.
A personal growth journey that took me over a decade of obsessive daily pursuit. To give you some context, here’s a quick background on myself.
the creator.
Hello, I'm Mantist Oryem
I’m the creator of this program. 2009, I graduated with a diploma in community development.
I was inspired to make a different.
I wanted to learn how I could make a lasting impact in the lives of young people in our community. Particularly in the lives of our young refugees & migrants…something very close to my heart.
My Story:
I came in Australia back in 2004 as a refugee migrant with nothing but a suitcase and a dream. Sort of like a backpacker but with zero money. And nothing was going for me. Looking back, until I was 25, my life was really a nightmare. I had zero money. I couldn’t speak any English. I had zero marketable skill. Terrible self image. And almost next to nothing self confidence. In a word, I was right at the bottom of all citizens. And the only way forward was up.Rewind back.
I was born in South Sudan…a war torn country for generations. I spent 10 years of my childhood in refugee camps…barely surviving. Would I eat today? Would I be safe today type thing. That was my daily state of mind. Raise by a single mum with no father power. My father died in action when I was only 2…fighting for what I’ve been fighting for basically most of my life FREEDOM. And that’s my background. As I think back, nobody could have guess…not even myself that one day I would be a success.list of some Mantist ortem accomplishment
- Founder of Mantistic Productions
- Founder of Get Paid Living Your Passion
- Music Producer and spoken word poet –
- Major in Audio and Film productions with SAE qantm
- Diploma in Community Development
- Certificate Five in Business Management
- Performed in many Brisbane festivals such as the Brisbane Festival and the Zillmere Multicultural Festival
- Headlined for World Refugee Community Day Festival with a turnout of 13,000 plus people
- Performed in many small festivals such as Youth Day Festival and World Aids Day Festival, and many clubs, pubs, birthday parties, schools, and more
- Been featured in many magazines and newspaper articles: such as The Courier Mail, MX, City News, Scene Magazine, The Chronicle, and more
- Appeared on many radio stations (where my music was played or I was interviewed) such as ABC Coast FM, ABC Radio, SBS Radio radio, 4ZZZ and more
- Released 3 original music albums and 1 spoken word album
- Sold 25,000 hard and digital copies of his albums
- Facilitated dozen of music and spoken words workshops
- Finalist in Australian Poetry Slam 2011
- Winner of Griffith University short film most outstanding male performance
- Qmusic song Award finalist 2008 and 2009
- Early careers in sales and IT Engineering
- Over 150,000 plus followers on his online platforms
What Others Saying About Mantist.
Hear from people who know Mantist, what they think of him and his program.
The BIG issues you identify our young people arefacing /Your passion to tackle it:
I think there are many aspects of life that cause
young people in general issues. These can be
things like mental health, preparing for
employment and getting a good education (and
seeing the importance of that) and a lack of
The BIG issues you identify our young people are
facing /Your passion to tackle it:
Young refugees and immigrant people have a hard
time when they come to a new country. They face
many, many challenges.
Health and mental health: The things that
refugees went through before they came to
Australia affect their health and mental ….
The BIG issues you identify our young people are
facing /Your passion to tackle it:
From my years of experience, there are many
challenges and the followings are among the
keys challenges facing young people:
1. Disharmony within families: misunderstanding
between couples and
The BIG issues you identify our young people are
facing /Your passion to tackle it:
Mental health: Mental health problems, such as
anxiety and depression, are prevalent among
teenagers in Australia. This can be due to academic
pressures, social media, and family problems.